Sunday, May 07, 2006


As you know, my brother is getting married in a little less than 2 weeks. Last night was his fiancée’s hen night, which I went on.

Over the last month or so, I’ve been a tad worried as to who might be going to their reception, as there is a particular someone that I don’t really want to see. I was fairly certain that they wouldn’t be there as they are having quite a small reception. However my fears were confirmed last night when the wife of the person I don’t want to see said to me “see you on the 19th”.

When I was about 9or 10, my brother was quite good friends with this person. He would often be round our house and they would hang out.

One night, I was in bed and this guy was still at our house. He went upstairs to the loo and then came into my room. He sat on my bed and talked to me for a while. I didn’t really know why he was there. The next thing I knew was he asked if he good give me a goodnight kiss and before I could say or do anything, he was kissing me. Not just a kiss on the cheek, but a full-blown kiss.

Now I know that in comparison to what some people have been through, this is nothing. But it’s stayed with me throughout my life. He took away the special thing that should have been my first kiss.

I never told my mum and I never told my brother because I thought they’d think I was making it up.

I did tell my mum just over a year ago and she told me I should have told them sooner. She wanted to tell my brother but I stopped her because I didn’t want it all coming out.

So now he and his wife (who is lovely) are going to be at the wedding and there will be no avoiding him. So yes, I’m feeling a bit nervous about it all and I’m keeping everything crossed that we won’t be on the same table. I wont cause a scene. It’s my brother’s big day and I don’t want anything to spoil that for him. I’ve always just tried to stay away from him, but won’t be able to happen this time.

Imagine the slimiest guy you know, double it, times it by ten and you’ll be close to how slimy and horrible this guy is.

Wish me luck everybody!


At 9:17 pm, May 07, 2006, Blogger AndieB said...

How creepy is that... bless your heart. Was he drunk?!?!? I probably would have screamed. I hope everything will be fine at the wedding... Tom is there to protect you! I wonder if he even remembers kissing you... iiick

At 2:54 pm, May 08, 2006, Blogger serendipity said...

No, not drunk, not stoned. Stone cold sober.

Just a freak

At 3:07 pm, May 08, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH, you poor thing. Hopefully you will be able to avoid him as much as possible!!

At 3:37 pm, May 08, 2006, Blogger Jolynn said...

Good luck and that is horrible, even if it may not be as bad as what others have experienced. Anything like that is damaging. Again, good luck.

At 3:06 am, May 10, 2006, Blogger M said...

Aw Dang, that's a tough position to be in. I'm so sorry he took your first kiss without permission. That's just wrong. Little boys don't care about those things, but girls do. (How old was he?)

Try to be a polite as possible and brief, so you can make a clean get away.

At 8:45 am, May 10, 2006, Blogger serendipity said...

I thought i'd mentioned in my post. He was by no means a little boy. He was about 18


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