If I Could Turn Back Time....
Ok, so the many reason for starting a new blog is that my old one, my best friends knew about. Well, so what? You might ask.
I think it's true and fair to say that the ones closest to us are the ones that hurt us the most sometimes. The point of a blog is to have somewhere you can talk about things without causing hassle in your personal life. I couldn’t talk about things that are going on where I knew my friends were reading it.
If I could change one thing, right now it would be that just over a year ago, I hadn’t introduced my two “best friends” to each other.
Since then, I wouldn’t necessarily say they had become close friends, but friends most definitely.
I know it shouldn’t be a problem, and up until now it wasn’t.
One is male and one is female. Lets call them Jack and Sarah.
Jack and I have been friends for about 5 years. Admittedly, our friendship got put on hold while I was engaged to a control freak who wouldn’t let me have male friends, but when I met my now fiancé, he had no problem whatsoever with me seeing Jack. In fact, Jack and my fiancé, let’s call him Tom, have actually become quite good friends themselves.
Recently however, Sarah has been a really bad friend to me, but a really good friend to Jack. I’ve known her 6 years. She hasn’t seen my new house yet, and not because she hasn’t been invited. She bails out on plans we’ve made at the last minute then asks me to do something with her at 48hours notice and gets offended when I tell her I’ve had plans for the past month. She then says it was only an idea as over the next few weekends, she’s going to be busy visiting people. Well shouldn’t I be one of these people she’s visiting? If your supposed “best friend” moved to a new pad, wouldn’t you be itching to see it? I haven’t actually seen her since December. She told me she wasn’t coming to my wedding via a text message. How harsh was that?
What I want to know is when I stopped being good enough? Was it when she found out she was pregnant and I was the only one who stood by her? Was it when she told me she was pregnant the second time and in a bad situation in her relationship and again, I stood by her? Was it when she told me that when she told me she lost the second baby, she lied, in fact she’d had an abortion and I didn’t judge her? Was it when we travelled 2 hours to see her 5 weekends in a row to help her move house and get settled? Or was it when we allowed her to our home at 4.30am after she’d had a nasty encounter with the ex and Tom and I hadn't had any time to ourselves for weeks?
For Sarah, its now a prerequisite that if she sees us, Jack has to be there. This weekend she’s arranged to meet up with Jack and as an afterthought invited me.
I give up with her. She’s not worth the effort. My life is busy enough without having to deal with her thoughtlessness.
At least, if I hadn’t introduced them, I would only have to put up with the situation with Sarah, now I have an awkward situation with Jack too. Changing my email address and phone number sounds like a good idea at the moment.
I don't hold Jack responsible, he's just trying to be the good guy.
I’ve realised that the only person I can truly depend on is Tom. Without him, I’d have nothing, I’d be nothing. Yes he pisses me off sometimes, but isn’t that what other halves do? I know I piss him off, I know I can be immensely difficult at times. But we’re a couple and we work at our relationship. I know I probably don’t make it known to him enough, but I love him dearly and he’s the one thing in my life I WOULDN’T change. He's my best friend, my lover, my rock.
I don’t want my blog to be me having a moan about stuff all the time, but I DO want to be able to vent my frustrations.
From now on, this is where it happens.
I'm so glad you came to visit. That way I can keep up with you. :-)
I feel your frustration. my sil is very much like Sarah and I actually had to make a secret blog so that I could vent and still keep family peace. Life's hard enough without someone putting their short commings on you like they were your own. I too have given up on her and my bil. I have no room in my life for that kind of crap. I thank God for my hubby and I thank him that you have "Tom". Love to you!
I can see what you are talking about. I guess a good thing to take out of it would be that you and your fiance have an opportunity to grow in your relationship in other ways.
It's good to have an anonymous place to vent. Sounds like you're in a difficult position. Sometimes you just come to a point where you realize you're spending too much energy on another person. Only you can decide if it's worth it to keep trying to be a good friend.
Are you starting to feel any better?
There's nothing like a fresh start.
I have spoken to Jack about the situation in great length and he agrees that Sarah han't been a good friend at all and can understand why I'm so upset over it all.
I do feel better now that I have a new blank canvas to vent on.
Obviously the situation isn't going to change. She's still thoughtless and as far as she's concerned there IS no problem between us.
I think it's fair to say our friendship is over.
That is horrible to act that way to your friends. She'll regret it and I love your new blog so far. Sometimes, you just need some privacy.
nice background, simple and sweet.
we could do without friends like that. i once had a friend who was so used to exaggerating and telling lies and bad-mouthing others. we weren't best friends, but i put up with her all thru primary and high school, listening to the things she says and the ridiculous stories she tells. about 2 years ago she asked to meet up and changed the venue and time 3 hours before we were supposed to meet. i gave in and said i could meet her. and the next thing you know, she goes and bad mouth me to my now ex-boyfriend (when we were together). how rude can people get? people and so-called friends like that do not deserve our understanding or the slightest attention, and they freaking do not deserve to be called friends.
talking of this makes me so mad! i'm so sorry i got carried away. but all i wanna do now is give that bitch the middle finger.
some people deserve to be given up because they just won't change.
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