Friday, June 02, 2006

Job Offer - Part 2

I went for a chat at the dental surgery that offered me the job yesterday. I would love to be able to take it. But I cant. When they said it was 20 days annual leave, I presumed that meant 20 days plus the 8 bank holidays. What it in fact meant was 20 including the bank holidays. At the moment I get 27 days, plus 8 bank holidays, so a total of 35 days. Tom gets 25 days plus the 8 bank holidays, a total of 33 days. That means if I take this job, in effect I lose 15 days holiday. That means that Tom will have 13 days leave that he has to take on his own, without me. Not an ideal way to start married life.

Plus my hourly rate would be about 88p p/h less, but I’m working more hours, so my annual salary wouldn’t really change. So I’m losing 3 weeks holiday, working more hours, for no more money. Where is the benefit?

Another thing is that I’m taking 3 weeks annual leave this month for my wedding/honeymoon, and as our holidays start from April and go through to March. Therefore I wont have accrued that much holiday, so if I leave before I have earned it, I will have to pay some of it back. We can’t afford for me to lose that much money.

C’est la vie


At 4:48 pm, June 03, 2006, Blogger M said...

Looks like you've worked it out the smart way. i wish that I had done that when i changed jobs, but I am home now so it really doesn't matter for me now.

Are you feeling better (tired and nauseous...)?

At 4:31 pm, June 04, 2006, Blogger Veronika said...

Just dropping in to say, "Hi". Glad to hear your sister and kids came to see your mum.
It seems that you've given a lot of thought to the job, and I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
That wedding sounds like it was beautiful!

At 1:36 am, June 05, 2006, Blogger Envoy-ette said...

Wow..that unfolded quickly! you know!

At 11:50 pm, June 05, 2006, Blogger portuguesa nova said...

Well, it's always nice to be offered a job nonetheless.

Why is the US so completely horrible when it comes to vacation?

My husband gets ZERO days of paid vacation (beyond the standard Xmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, etc...) in his first year at his job--and he's a high level exec at the company. After his first year, he gets a whopping five days of vacation.


I am a temp and can take as many vacation days as my heart desires, provided I do not mind that I will not be paid for any of it.

At 4:21 pm, June 06, 2006, Blogger Jolynn said...

I'm sorry the job thing didn't work out, but your right in not taking it. Especially since you'd be losing more than gaining.

At 1:35 pm, June 07, 2006, Blogger Steve House said...

Thats more holiday than I get (got) damn business men.

Congrats with the excitement.


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